Aeronautical Consulting

We are specialists in aeronautical consultancy and management in the drone sector. We provide personalized support and advice in all operations, as well as the necessary documentation to carry them out, facilitating and expediting their processing and resolution.

Our Services

Due to the significant growth of drone activity in Spain and the rest of Europe, a common regulation is necessary. Currently, the following regulations are in force:

  • Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945 of 12 March 2019 on unmanned aircraft systems and third country operators of unmanned aircraft systems.
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019 on rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft.
  • RD 1036/2017 of December 29 (regarding UAS Zoning and Geographical Zones).

Our work

We ensure a quality service, complying with current procedures and regulations, always prioritizing rigor and operational safety. We provide personalized advice for your project.

"Trust us for the success of your project and operation, and avoid unforeseen issues."

Frequently Asked Questions